Between 6 June and 30 June 2007, the Save Dreamland Campaign dismantled
most of the original vintage rides from Southport's defunct Pleasureland
Amusement Park. The rides are destined for the proposed Dreamland
Heritage Amusement Park in Margate. Here is a photo gallery of dismantling work on
the rides on Friday 22 June 2007, when work was focussing on the King
Solomon's Mines roller coaster (the 1960-built wooden Wild Mouse ride
which formerly operated at Morecambe's Frontierland). All photographs by
Nick Laister. Please contact for
permission to use the photographs.

A crane prepares to
lift part of the Wild Mouse and place it in a storage container.

The remains of the
Wild Mouse.

The ride is being
carefully unbolted, piece by piece, with each piece separately numbered.

About 50% of the ride
has already been dismantled.

The ride, which is
standing on wooden blocks, is generally bolted together to allow for
easy dismantling, although some
supports have been nailed into place. The sawn wood that can be seen
above was a result of the ride's move from Morecambe to Southport.

A car from the Mistral
Flying Machine, which had been damaged by bulldozers when Blackpool
Pleasure Beach left the site.

The main arms from the
Mistral Flying Machine loaded onto a Save Dreamland Campaign flatbed
trailer, ready for transportation to the south of England.

Half of the Social
Mixer machine from the Fun House. The ride has had to be cut into two
for transportation, but will be rebuilt for the Dreamland Heritage
Amusement Park.

Another view of the
Social Mixer.

Inside the Fun House,
the former site of the Social Mixer.

The moving stairs were removed by the Save Dreamland Campaign but have
now been reinstated temporarily at the request of Norman Wallis, who
will operate them for the 2007 season, after which they will be removed.