The Social Mixer in the disused Fun
House building at Southport. (Photograph:
Nick Laister).

Moving ramp machine. (Photograph:
Nick Laister).

Moving floor. (Photograph:
Nick Laister).

Wooden maze. (Photograph:
Nick Laister).

Moving steps. (Photograph:
Nick Laister).

stairs. (Photograph:
Nick Laister). |
In 1955, a successful application was made to
construct a Fun House next to the Bowl Slide at
Pleasureland. The Fun House had a collection of
traditional machines, and by its final years was the
last traditional Fun House in the UK still operating
original machines. It closed at the end of the 2006
season and most of the machines were removed by The
Dreamland Trust in June 2007. (The Fun House was
reopened in 2007 and operated as a children's play
centre by Dreamstorm until the future of
Pleasureland is decided. A number of machines are
still in situ until the Fun House closes
The machines that have
been acquired for use at Dreamland are:
The Social Mixer
Moving Steps
Moving Stairs
Moving Floors
Wooden Maze
Moving Ramp
Very rare machines being the only surviving examples
of their kind in the UK.
Latest: Now in
storage for use in the Heritage Park.
If you have any further
information on the history of this ride, please
nick@savedreamland.co.uk. |
Click on the photographs for larger
versions. |