About the Authors
Mike Short
Mike Short is a
local resident and has lived opposite the Shipley Glen Pleasure Grounds with his
family for almost seventeen years. He took his first ride on the ‘Aerial
Glide’ at the age of four in 1954. Mike Short and his wife, Di Millen,
together with neighbours Paul Roberts and Cathy Richardson Roberts of Ventura
House, Prod Lane, led the campaign of public opposition and organised the public
petition against an outline planning application to demolish the Shipley Glen
Pleasure Grounds and build houses on the site. >>To contact Mike Short, click here. |
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Nick Laister
Laister BA(Hons) DipTP MRTPI MIPI MIHT is a planning consultant, publisher
and a leading authority on the UK theme park industry. He is a Chartered Town
Planner and Technical Director with the RPS Group Plc and specialises in
planning for tourism and leisure. He is involved in the promotion of
major development projects around the UK and Ireland, and has appeared
as expert witness at several public inquiries and hearings. He has
written articles for a number of newspapers and journals and has been
invited to speak at conferences on the subject of planning for tourism
and leisure. He is also regularly interviewed on television and radio on
the same subject. He is co-owner of Skelter
Publishing LLP and editor of the website www.joylandbooks.com,
which specialises in books on amusement park history. A report
issued by Nick Laister to the Department of Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS)
and English Heritage in 2001 resulted in the listing of the Scenic
Railway roller coaster at Dreamland, Margate, Kent, the UK’s oldest
roller coaster. This was the first time an amusement park ride had been
listed. He is currently leading a major campaign to Save
Dreamland. >>To contact Nick Laister, click here. |
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