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Saturday, 28 February 2009
Dreamland meeting in royal
Susan Marsh and Nick Laister of The Dreamland
Trust/Save Dreamland Campaign were again in London yesterday for
meetings at the offices of The Princes Trust in Clarence House, the
Prince of Wales's official residence. The first meeting, which started
at 10am, covered some of the business discussions that have to take
place between The Dreamland Trust, Margate Town Centre Regeneration
Company (the owners of Dreamland) and Thanet District Council. The
discussions were facilitated by The Prince’s Regeneration Trust.
Marsh, Secretary of the Dreamland Trust, said: “It was a
productive meeting as we move forward to making formal grant
applications very soon”.
short break for lunch and the second meeting commenced when many of the
consultants working for the Dreamland Client Group had arrived to give
preliminary reports on their work to date. Nick
Laister, Chair of The Dreamland Trust, said: "It is exciting to see the
architects' first layouts of the Heritage Amusement Park. Initial
reports from Locum Consulting on the business plan were also very
promising, but there is still much work to be done if we are to meet
the tight deadlines for the grant applications."
Laister, Sarah Vickery and Susan Marsh will all be attending a whole
series of meetings in Margate during next week and are also preparing
for the special evening event
‘I Dream of Dreamland’
on Sunday 15th March when they hope to see supporters of the Campaign.
Thursday, 26 February 2009
animal cages listed! |
We are pleased to announce that the animal cages,
which were uncovered last year and once formed part of 'Lord' George
Sanger's menagerie, were listed Grade II on 23 February.
to be the only cages of their kind left in this country, the
two metre semi-circular cages most likely contained monkeys. The zoo
lasted until 1905 – the year Sanger retired – when the remaining
animals were sold but was partially restocked in July 1913. When
Dreamland was opened in 1920 the grounds were derelict but were
restored, although the cages were never returned to use.
I Dream of Dreamland - event announced
are also able to announce a special evening event in Margate on Sunday
15 March 2009, open to all, at which the proposals for a heritage
amusement park at Dreamland will be launched and discussed. Full
details of the event - called I Dream of Dreamland
- to follow soon. A teaser below - put it in your diaries.

Saturday, 21 February 2009
Isle of Thanet Gazette
responds to Leader's criticisms
featured extensively in the local press this week. In addition to the
Leader's Column (reported
there was coverage in Friday's Isle of Thanet Gazette,
including a response to Thanet District Council's Dreamland-free vision
for the town.
Friday, 20 February 2009
"Positive progress" made on Heritage Amusement Park
Laister and Susan Marsh attended a Dreamland Client Group
meeting at the offices of The Prince's Regeneration Trust in London
today. To demonstrate Thanet District Council's commitment to the
project, TDC Chief Executive Richard Samuel also attended. Although
Toby Hunter of MTCRC was not able to make it in person, he was present
for a large part of the meeting on speakerphone from Cornwall. Ross
Stewart and Peter Beck represented MTCRC, with Derek Harding
representing the Margate Renewal Partnership and Roland Jeffery and
Rosie Fraser attending on behalf of the PRT.
Trust Chairman Nick Laister said: "This was a very important meeting,
where we needed to iron out a number of fundamental issues. I am
pleased to say that positive progress was made and I am confident that
we will be able to put forward strong applications for grant funding
later this year. If we are successful, work building a new amusement
park at Dreamland will commence."
on the layout of the park continues apace, with a further design
workshop proposed for next Friday, 27 February.
Sandy Ezekiel's statement of commitment to the Heritage Amusement Park
project on 17 February (see
below), the Council Leader formally responded to the
10 February article
in the Thanet Times in his weekly column in today's Isle of
Thanet Gazette:
"Last week I announced my
vision for Thanet. Perhaps I should not have been surprised when I read
the piece in the Thanet Times highlighting Dreamland.
headline quote from me, "Let go of the past", was only part of what
I said to Thom Morris when asked about the future of the Dreamland site.
Whether it was his editorial bosses or Thom himself who chose to give
only half the statement I don’t know. What I can assure all is that the
council position is clear. We want to see a heritage park that mirrors
no other, is unique and offers the kind of sustainable attraction that
Dreamland did in the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s. I also went on to talk
about a sealife centre that we were negotiating with an operator before
the recession. Talks are still ongoing. Perhaps the Government could
put its resources into this much needed scheme rather than throwing it
into the banks."
proposed Heritage Amusement Park was also covered in
Your Thanet.
Tuesday, 17 February 2009
"I am 100% behind
the project": Sandy Ezekiel, Council Leader
The Leader of Thanet
District Council, Cllr Sandy Ezekiel, has given his full support to the
proposed Heritage Amusement Park at Dreamland, which is being promoted
The Dreamland
Trust. The comments come on the day that the Trust
launched its vision for Dreamland in response to
comments made
by Cllr Ezekiel last week.
contacted the Dreamland Trust today to refute the report in last week's
Thanet Times.
made it very clear to the reporter that I support the heritage park.
With appropriate enabling development, it's absolutely the right way to
go. After all, it will be my signature on the funding document, so of
course I am 100% behind the project."
He added
that he would be "more than happy" to add Dreamland to the council's
vision document if that's what the public wants. A draft version goes
out to public consultation on 28th February.
Front page
Trust's vision was the
front page item in today's Thanet Times,
backed by a major article inside the newspaper. In the article, based
around an interview with Dreamland Trust Treasurer Sarah Vickery, the
Trust exclusively announces that work could begin on Dreamland’s
revival by the end of the year if a multimillion-pound bid for funding
is successful. Sarah explains the reasons for the launch this
week: "We felt we had to release this information now in
response to Sandy Ezekiel’s comments, which were unhelpful to say the
Sarah told the Times that the project will cost £23
million to turn the former thrillseekers’ paradise into a fully fledged
amusement park and its cinema into a music venue. Architects are busy
working on the plans which will be revealed before funding bids are
submitted in April.
article goes on to state: "The park could include bumper cars track, a
water shoot, sandstorm wheel, ghost train, caterpillar, haunted swing
and the return of the river caves. The cinema could become a music
venue with the facilities to cut a track, and museum documenting the
history of Margate’s teenagers, from punks to rockers.
Change, a cultural grant scheme, has already given money to the Margate
Renewal Partnership to carry out preparatory work for the heritage
amusement park and in June will tell the group if it has secured more
funding for work to begin."
Radio Kent will also be including the story on their news
bulletins tomorrow. |
progress was made on the layout of the Heritage Amusement Park
yesterday when a design workshop was held at the
offices of Dreamland's architects Levitt Bernstein. Nick Laister and
Susan Marsh represented the Dreamland Trust at the meeting and, with
assistance from Paris-based theme park designer Jean-Marc Toussaint and
tourism experts Locum Consulting, worked through the rides acquired for
the project to assess the space required to deliver a tourist
attraction with sufficient critical mass to act as a destination, which
can accommodate large numbers of visitors in pleasant landscaped
Marsh comments that the day was a success: "Whilst the meeting schedule
is getting intensive its worth all the travelling as we see our dreams
coming to fruition".
Friday, 13 February 2009
work currently being carried out by Prince's Regeneration Trust on
behalf of the Dreamland Trust, Margate Renewal Partnership and Margate
Town Centre Regeneration Company features in the PRT's latest
newsletter (scroll down to the picture of the Scenic Railway at this
The project now features on the PRT's
website. |
For more
information on The Dreamland Trust, which administers the Save
Dreamland Campaign,
here. |
Friday, 13 February 2009
Laister and Susan Marsh represented the Save Dreamland Campaign/The
Dreamland Trust at a Dreamland Client Group meeting in London today.
The meeting discussed progress on preparation of to two grant funding
applications to be made in April. Margate Renewal Partnership has
already received funding from the Government's Sea Change cultural
grant scheme, which is part-funding the current feasibility and design
work. An application for several million pounds worth of additional
funding will be submitted in April by the Dreamland Trust and Thanet
District Council, with a decision expected in June. A further
bid to the Heritage Lottery Fund will also be submitted in April with a
decision in September. Architects Levitt Bernstein, working with the
Campaign's own Jean-Marc Toussaint, are currently preparing a detailed
layout for the heritage amusement park. If successful, work on the
heritage amusement park should start in 2010 for a 2012 opening. |

Caterpillar: One of the rides acquired for the heritage amusement park |
Wednesday, 11 February
Council Leader Sandy Ezekiel was interviewed in
yesterday's Thanet Times. In this interview, Ezekiel appears to speak
out against Dreamland:
Leader, Nick Laister, says: "We are obviously surprised and
disappointed by this statement. We are currently seeking clarification
because it is completely at odds with his position at meetings and
completely flies in the face of the Council's own adopted Planning
Brief for the site. More importantly, such comments could severely
undermine the work being carried out by the Margate Renewal
Partnership, Council officers and Dreamland's owners in bringing
forward a thrilling new amusement park at Dreamland. This is
particularly concerning as the various partners in the project (the
Council, Margate Renewal Partnership, Margate Town Centre Regeneration
Company and The Dreamland Trust/Save Dreamland Campaign), supported by
consultants (The Prince's Regeneration Trust, Locum Consulting,
Jean-Marc Toussaint, Levitt Bernstein Architects) gear up to submitting
a bid millions of pounds of grant funding for the world's first
heritage amusement park at Dreamland.

Council Leader, Sandy Ezekiel: U-Turn? |
"How many other Councils would make statements like this only a matter
of weeks before an important bid for millions of pounds worth of grant
funding is submitted? I hope he carefully considers the consequences of
this statement in undermining the efforts of all these organisations
and its consequential impact on the regeneration of the town.
my own perspective, it will be very disappointing if Mr Ezekiel does
not retract these comments, not only because it goes against the wishes
of the people of Margate in the various consultation exercises
undertaken by the Council over the last few years, but because this
U-turn comes at a time when major players in the tourist attractions
industry have come forward and expressed their serious interest in
operating this exciting 21st century attraction. We await
Sunday, 8 February 2009
Thanet Times included a small news item on the
possibility of a museum dedicated to youth cults being located within
the Dreamland Cinema.
other news, the Noble Organisation has applied for
planning permission to use the land formerly occupied by Mr G's
amusement arcade (43-47 Marine Terrace) as a temporary car park for a
period of five years. The gap in the frontage at Marine Terrace was
created in
April 2003 following a devastating fire which destroyed the
arcade and damaged other adjacent buildings. The plot is leased to the
Noble Organisation by Margate Town Centre Regeneration Company Ltd.
View the covering letter explaining the background to the application.
View planning application form
View site location plan
Thursday, 5 February 2009
Dreamland, Margate: "A Thrilling Theme Park
from the Past"
Campaign leader Nick Laister represented the Save
Dreamland Campaign and The Dreamland Trust today at a meeting in London
with consultants working on a business plan for the proposed
Dreamland Heritage Amusement Park. The aim was for all
parties to agree a vision for the park, and the listed cinema, and to
look at options for the main Dreamland building. Laister opened the
meeting with an outline of the Trust's vision for the world's first
heritage amusement park, which he described as "a thrilling theme park
from the past". Also attending the meeting were representatives from
Margate Town Centre Regeneration Company, Margate Renewal Partnership,
Thanet District Council, The Arts Council, Locum Consulting and
architects Levitt Bernstein. |
As well as a business plan, more detailed design proposals for the park
will emerge over the coming weeks, with the Campaign's theme park
designer Jean-Marc Toussaint playing an important role. The work will
form the basis of bids for grant funding later this year.
summary version of the Trust's vision for the park is now available to
download from
Much more information on our proposals can be seen on our special
Heritage Amusement Park Microsite, including the
Concept Plan and details of the acquired
a flurry of recent meetings, Campaign Coordinator Sarah Vickery
represented the Campaign at a meeting Margate on Tuesday to discuss
arrangements for stakeholder consultations in Margate. Susan Marsh
represented the Campaign, alongside Derek Harding of the Margate
Renewal Partnership and Nick Dermott of Thanet District Council, at a
meeting with the Heritage Lottery Fund on Wednesday.
other news, discussions continue in the attempts by Thanet District
Council to bring a summer funfair to Margate.
Monday, 2 February 2009
Isle of Thanet Gazette carried a small news
item on the likely lack of a summer funfair on Dreamland.
there has been a flurry of behind-the-scenes activity over the past few
weeks. Sarah Vickery represented the Campaign on a 7 January 2009 site
visit to Dreamland with the Princes Regeneration Trust and
Locum Consulting. The two consultancies are advising Margate Renewal
Partnership, the Dreamland Trust and Margate Town Centre Regeneration
Partnership on the feasibility of the heritage amusement park proposals
as part of various bids for possible grant funding. The aim of the
meeting was to familiarise the consultants with the park and the two
main listed structures. Sarah and Susan Marsh represented the
Trust/Campaign at a further meeting at Locum's offices in London on 22
Friday, 16 January 2009
Peter Wilson has contacted the campaign to tell us
about a booklet which tells the railway life of his Grandfather, Edward
Cuckney. Called Edward (Ted) Thomas Cuckney: A Distinguished
Railway Career - Mainline & Miniature, the booklet
features the miniature railways of Margate Pier & Harbour Co
Ltd and Dreamland Amusement Park. Click on the image to the right for a
larger version of the cover.
the booklets are purchased directly from Peter, he will donate £1.00
for each copy sold to the Campaign. The booklets cost £3.75 each,
including UK postage and packing. Please send a cheque, payable to P
Wilson, to:
Wilson, 6 Sea View Road, Broadstairs, Kent CT10 1BX.
forget to mention the Save Dreamland Campaign to ensure that we receive
the donation.
here for the latest news
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