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Saturday, 27 June 2009
Whip appeal target reached!
To donate to this
appeal to allow us to move the Blackpool Pleasure Beach Junior Whip to
Dreamland, please
click here
13 June, we
the acquisition of the Junior Whip ride from Pleasure Beach Blackpool.
We also stated that we had a shortfall of £632.50 and appealed for
contributions towards this. Two weeks later and the target has been
of The Dreamland Trust, Nick Laister, states: "I am extremely pleased
that we have not only reached our target but we have done it in the
remarkable time of under two weeks. On behalf of all of the trustees,
can I thank everybody who has made a contribution, however big and
small. These contributions have made this small but important part of
our proposals a reality and we genuinely could not have done it without
you. This also means that we can continue to have the confidence to
search out other similar opportunities knowing that we have such strong
support behind us."
surplus will be used by the Trust to fund future ride acquisitions or
for other emergency funding required to deliver the new Dreamland
Margate. To view our current donations total since the Scenic Railway
fire last year,
click here.
Wednesday, 24 June 2009
Dreamland Trust welcomes new trustees |
The trustees of The Dreamland Trust held a meeting
in Margate on Saturday 20 June. The meeting discussed numerous items,
including progress towards incorporation of the Trust, the grant
funding applications and ongoing engagement with supporters and the
local community.
most important item on the agenda was to welcome three new trustees to
the Trust: local accountant Andrew Cannon, musician and artist Neil
Sparkes and the UK's leading authority on cinema architecture, Richard
Gray. More details on the new trustees can be found on our newly
Trust page. It is likely that further trustees will
be added over the coming weeks as the Trust prepares itself for
delivering a new Dreamland.
New trustees Neil Sparkes (left) and Richard Gray. |
Whip now in storage |
The Junior Whip from Pleasure Beach Blackpool is
now safely in the hands of The Dreamland Trust alongside the larger
Whip ride acquired last year, having been removed from the Pleasure
Beach on Monday 22 June.
Laister was at the Pleasure Beach on the Monday and Susan Marsh
supervised the arrival of the ride in Margate the following day. Dave Collard managed the
unloading of the ride, helped by Scott Butler.
the time of writing, the current appeal for funds to cover the
transport costs of the ride has reached £520, only £112.50 short of the

themagiceye |
The Isle
of Thanet Gazette reported the Junior Whip acquisition in its 19 June
edition. |
Saturday, 13 June 2009
Dreamland Trust agrees
acquisition of Blackpool Junior Whip |
Following on from its 2008
acquisition of the Whip at Blackpool Pleasure Beach, The Dreamland
Trust is pleased to announce that it has agreed to acquire the Junior
Whip, the popular Beaver Creek ride that operated at the Pleasure Beach
until the end of the 2008 season. This is the last surviving completely
original junior whip ride in the United Kingdom. (There is some
information on this ride, which has been known as the Fairy Whip and,
more recently, Griffin's Magic Dragons, on
themagiceye and the
official Pleasure Beach website).
terms have been agreed and the ride will be moved into storage by the
Trust over the next few days, the Trust currently has to find £632.50.
We are therefore formally launching an appeal to see if we can quickly
raise this amount.

The Junior Whip pictured at Pleasure Beach
Blackpool in 2008. Photograph: Nick Laister |
So how can we acquire such a
rare ride for such a small sum?
all thanks to our supporters and colleagues:
The cost of acquisition from Blackpool Pleasure Beach has been
generously donated by a Campaign supporter - more news on our
benefactor soon!
The staff at BPB are helping out by loading the ride onto the lorry for
Transport company Ainsworth & Martin is moving the ride for us,
and are doing so at a great price.
Thanet District Council is helping out with unloading the lorry at its
Trust chair, Nick Laister comments: "It is great news that we will be
able to operate two classic whip rides at Dreamland Margate, now that
we have concluded our discussions with the Pleasure Beach. Campaign
members made it possible for us to acquire the world's last 'circular'
Water Chute back in 2007 and we need your help again. This acquisition
would not have been possible without the help of one very generous
campaign member, plus the help and support of Blackpool Pleasure Beach
and Thanet District Council. Although this acquisition will now
definitely go ahead - the trustees will personally guarantee the
shortfall - we do now need to recover the £632.50 to pay the transport
company. Any contributions towards this will be very gratefully
of how to donate can be found on our special
donations page. We
will regularly update you on the total raised from this appeal here on
the News page.
Dreamland in Amusement Today
proposed heritage amusement park has made the news in Amusement Today
magazine, a leading industry journal.
Thursday, 4 June 2009
Panel backs Dreamland |
previously reported, the English Heritage and CABE
urban panel, which
Margate in March, has now released its report on the town and
Dreamland has been identified as the single most important project for
the town. The Save Dreamland Campaign is now exclusively making the
report available, which can be viewed
report starts its coverage of Dreamland with a summary of the site
visit, where Dreamland Trust chair Nick Laister set out the Trust's
vision for Dreamland from the Arlington Tower looking down on the site.
The report states:
stage was set for Dreamland. As the Panel saw, this site has been
reduced, by the passage of time and the failure of enterprises both
commercial and municipal, to little more than an opportunity, albeit a
great one.

"The sad state of the closed cinema and the fire damaged Scenic Railway
is exacerbated by the empty car park and failed shopping at Arlington
Square. However, the panel was very pleased to have the
chance to see this all from the air high on the 19th floor of Arlington
House. There the enthusiastic advocacy of the Dreamland Trust
representative was infectious and convincing and the rather astonishing
(when viewed from ground level) claim that 15 fairground rides may be
accommodated on only half the site, was much easier to comprehend and
believe. The Panel was impressed that the local authority has
both taken steps to protect the listed structure of the ride and to
encourage development which will build upon the still firmly
established image derived from the impressive peak of activity at
Panel's conclusions make for very interesting reading, as they single
out Dreamland as the priority scheme for the town:
choosing which of the many schemes to prioritise, the Panel had no
doubts. Dreamland is blessed with assets of the highest
quality and national importance, a nationally known (remembered) name,
all the space that is needed, a dedicated Trust, with a collection of
historic fairground rides and a vision which the Panel thought wholly
apposite. Accordingly Trust, Partnership and authority were
urged to turn all necessary attention to the re-emergence of Dreamland."
Panel also believed that there is a very good case for funding for the
project and recommended that it moves forward as a matter of urgency:
funding streams of relevance exist and, although the Panel has no lien
on them, members thought there was very good case for some funds coming
to Margate and being directed to Dreamland...So the Panel urged that
the vision of Dreamland re-opening as the first and nationally unique
heritage fairground be promoted with urgency and drive and without
unnecessary burdens. Similarly, the Panel saw no merit in
delaying the scheme because the grander development package for the
site (which suddenly looks very dated) cannot now be
delivered. New housing may be a long time coming and yet this
need not hamper successful delivery of new Dreamland. The
remainder of the site can be brought forward, with minimal investment,
as an events space. Panel members envisaged a near future in
which Dreamland is functioning and attracting new visitors as well as
entertaining and pleasing existing ones. That can be much
enhanced by attracting to the new, large events space circuses,
markets, small festivals and so on, with obvious concomitant
benefits. The Panel was also confident that such a degree of
activity would constitute the critical mass which would provide the
context for a successful re-use of the cinema."
concluding, the Panel even suggested that other projects should be
abandoned or deferred to allow for Dreamland to move forward:
Panel members were so convinced that this is a clear first development
priority that it strongly urged that all necessary funds be directed to
that purpose even where other, generally laudable, objectives would
have to be abandoned or, at least, deferred as a result."
Trust chair Nick Laister comments: "We are obviously delighted with the
conclusions of the Urban Panel. We are very pleased that they singled
out Dreamland as Margate's priority project and that they have
recognised its national significance as well as its importance as a
critical local regeneration project. We hope that these conclusions
will be taken into account by the organisations currently assessing
grant funding applications to bring this priority project to fruition."
here to download the report in full.
report was covered by the Isle of Thanet Gazette,
noting the focus on Dreamland.
other news, Nick Laister and Susan Marsh represented the Dreamland
Trust at a Dreamland Client Group meeting at the
offices of the Prince's Regeneration Trust in London today.
Representatives of the Margate Renewal Partnership, Thanet District
Council and Margate Town Centre Regeneration Company were also present.
The main subject of discussion was the ongoing liaison with the funding
bodies and partners in providing additional information.
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