How it all began
The Save Dreamland Campaign has known
for some time that there is serious interest from established theme
park operators in acquiring Dreamland and investing in the park. The
only thing that has stopped this happening is Thanet District
Council's last-minute change to its Local Plan, which had protected
the Dreamland amusement park. Without that policy in place, the
value of the site to property developers has significantly
increased, making it very difficult for amusement park operators to
acquire the site. Margate's very future as a seaside resort is now
at stake. The Save Dreamland Campaign is constantly looking for new
ways to show decision-makers what Dreamland could be like in the hands of a committed
operator. One of the Campaign's most passionate members just happens
to be a prominent figure in the international amusement park
industry. He also happens to be a very talented artist and designer.
He made us an offer we could not refuse.
Based in Paris, Jean-Marc
Toussaint has worked as creative consultant and theming/ride
designer for several leading theme park organisations such as Grévin
& Cie, International Amusement Alliance, Soquet Rides, Pax Design
and The Coaster Works. He has also recently acted as the main
creative consultant for the development of the masterplan of Admiral
Vrungel’s Adventure Park in Gelendjik, Russia. When he offered to
create a Concept Plan for Dreamland - to show what the park could be
like should it be acquired by one of the several theme park
operators that have publicly confirmed their interest - we jumped at the chance. Jean-Marc delivered his Concept
Plan to the Save Dreamland Campaign on 20 February 2005. We think
his plan for Dreamland is fantastic, and we quickly adopted it as
our vision. Importantly, it has also been endorsed by Philip Miller of
Southend's Adventure Island, who has very publicly stated his desire
to acquire the park and invest millions of pounds in new rides and
attractions. This Concept Plan is what Dreamland might look like if
our Campaign is successful. So join us for a trip around new
Dreamland... |

Above: Jean-Marc Toussaint |
I Dream of DreamlandOne
of the main aims of the Concept Plan was to return Dreamland to its
original condition, a colourful, landscaped family amusement park.
Jean-Marc, like so many other people, could see beyond the park's
current 'artificial' run-down appearance: "I really fell in love
with the park when I first visited it 5 years ago. Despite its
worn-out carnival look, I immediately saw the potential in its most excellent location by the sea front." It also had to
be a realistic vision, one that could genuinely be implemented in
this location. So most of the rides selected for the Concept Plan are currently available from
leading manufacturers and many are portable rides that could
easily be replaced in the future.
The park's heritage is also a major
consideration, so Jean-Marc's Concept Plan retains the Scenic
Railway (which all operators have confirmed they will do) but it
also would see the return of the Water Chute and River Caves, albeit
modern versions of these much-loved Dreamland rides. Jean-Marc says:
"The idea is also to leave the current 'concrete slab' way
behind us and go back to the pre-Godden era, with grass, bushes,
floral arrangements trees and several bodies of water (fountains,
lakes, rivers...), all connected together by a theme that's
understandable by everybody."
So enjoy exploring new Dreamland. But
please remember that the Concept Plan is a tool to help with the
Campaign, not a set-in-stone project. Whilst we have confirmation
from an established theme park operator that the plan is achievable,
at the time of writing we are still far from a successful conclusion
to the Campaign. This future is achievable, but is almost entirely
within the hands of Thanet District Council. We hope that this will trigger
the interest of the Council and result in them doing
what many other seaside resorts have done, and protect their most
important tourist attraction.
A low resolution version of the
Concept Plan is shown below, and many of the attractions are
clickable. Scroll down further for a high resolution version of the
Concept Plan and more details on the rides and attractions that you
could see at Dreamland if the Save Dreamland Campaign is successful
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