ARKive Gallery: the
Blackpool Noah's Ark
Photographs: Gary RadiceAt the end 2001 Rick Davis - Chairman of DAFE: the Darkride And Funhouse Enthusiasts of America - made a trip to Kennywood
Park (West Mifflin, PA, USA) to peruse their archives in search of material for
future articles for the DAFE publication Barrel O' Fun and for the Daffy Klub web site. That one day visit eventually stretched into six
days! Kennywood has a hidden 'treasure chest' of
material. Read on... |
Arrow: Building a
Photographs: Carolyn
Anderson Moyer. Text: Gary Radice
2008 themagiceye copied an obituary
from The Sentinel newspaper (US) and posted it on the Rollercoaster
and Theme Park discussion section of Eric Gieszl’s wonderful
Rollercoaster site.
themagiceye wasn't expecting the reply it got from one reader -
Carolyn Anderson Moyer - who quite rightly took umbrage with some of
its accuracy.
Carolyn just happens to be the daughter of Arrow co-founder Angus
Read on... |
Photographs: DJ
Although Frontierland in Morecambe
(UK) closed
forever in 2000, it lives on in the memories of the misty eyed amongst us who yearn for the simpler more carefree
times of days gone by. In 2000 DJ Clark, a professional freelance
photographer, took pictures of Frontierland operating in its last season.
Read on... |
Gary Radice, Fraser Grant
BITSoftheBEACH is a personal and offbeat
photographic reminder of Pleasure Beach Blackpool caught in time during a
pivotal period
in its glorious history. This was the sad time when both
Mr G Thompson and his mother, Mrs LD Thompson - mother and son stalwarts of the dynasty that built
Britain's most popular seaside attraction - died within 11 days
of each other. This feature has not been touched since 2004, and
will remain as a time capsule of the park in that period.
Read on... |
Demolition of the
Water Chute
Jim Lowe/Kraig Schweizer
On 20 October 2007, the
demolition of the Water Chute at Ocean Beach, Rhyl, commenced,
and a piece of amusement park history - once common at parks
across the UK - became a memory...
Read on... |
Gallopers at the Amusement Park
Nick Laister
For many, a
visit to one of the UKs amusement parks is all about riding the biggest, the fastest
or the best. But amusement park visitors this year are being asked to take a closer look
at something that we all take for granted: the innocent Carousel.The Year 2000
has been designated ‘The International Year of the Carousel’,
and the UK is one of the best places in the world to see these
vintage rides.
Read on... |
Golden Oldies: Britain's
Amusement Park Heritage
Nick Laister/David Page/Gary Radice/Graeme Cassidy,
Shelli Ward/First Drop
Whilst Britain has
a wonderful amusement park heritage, vintage parks and rides
continue to be lost. This exhibition is a celebration of
Britain's oldest surviving rides. These are not rides that are
'hanging by a thread'; some of the UK's best vintage rides are
still making a living decades after they were opened in hugely
popular amusement parks.
Read on... |
Isabel's Bit
Words and drawings:
Isabel Radice
Hello and welcome to my very own bit of the
web! As you know from the title of this page my
name is Isabel. I am eight years old. On this bit of the web I will tell you what
rides at Blackpool are worth going on and where to eat in the park. If you ever want to go to the Pleasure Beach at
Blackpool do NOT look away...
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The Lost Rides of Blackpool
Photographs: Gary Radice,
Phil Gould, Michael Smith, Ashley Stanworth
Look back misty-eyed at Blackpool's lost rides
from the Pleasure Beach.
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The Old New Brighton
Gary Radice,
Les Tomkinson, Reflections Black and White Archive
Images of the long lost fairground at
the Tower, New Brighton, Wirral,
Read on... |
Ocean Beach Memoirs
Photographs: Paul Beesley
When Paul Beesley, who runs the excellent
site, sent themagiceye some photographs of Ocean Beach Amusement Park in Rhyl,
North Wales, the hardest decision was choosing which ones to
use. The CD contained many outstanding and poignant images.
Read on... |
One Bright Spot:
Southend's Kursaal
Photographs: From the book 'Kursaal Memories' by Ken
This photo gallery
takes visitors on a tour of this wonderland by the sea through
the years and is based on a new book by top local author Ken
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The Rides of Orton &
the book 'Men at Work'
Orton &
Spooner was one of Britain's greatest amusement ride
manufacturers, formed following the amalgamation of two separate
firms in 1925. Orton's produced numerous rides, from early
Switchbacks and Bioscopes to Ark/Speedways, Ghost Trains, even
Roller Coasters.
Read on... |
The Texas Tornado Gallery
David M Torok/Nick Laister
The Texas Tornado
at Frontierland was loved by many, especially roller coaster
enthusiasts. Many remember the thrill of brushing against the extending
leaves and branches of the adjacent trees as this classic roller coaster thundered "out and back".
Can anyone remember riding backwards on this much missed
Read on... |
The Virginia Reel Gallery
Nick Laister, Phil
Gould, Ian Beech, Gary Radice, Les Tomkinson
To accompany our
article on Pleasure Beach Blackpool's Virginia Reel,
The End of the Reel,
we present this gallery of photographs of the ride through the
years, including the ride's demolition.
Read on... |
A Welter of Helter Skelters
hold many happy childhood memories for me. They symbolise a time
of excitement and fun. Trying to lift the fusty smelling, big,
heavy 'coconut hair' mat up the first few steep stairs...Being
out of breath and full of anticipation as I attempted to run
(tripping over the mat and cutting my knee in due process!). Read on... |