Showmen: The Voice of Travelling Fair People
by Sally Festing |

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ISBN Number:
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 186
Publication Date: 2013
Shaun Tyas |
For over
800 years, showpeople have brought their rides and stalls to
towns and villages across the country: travelling fairs are as much
part of England's cultural history as steam trains and cricket on
the village green. Showmen brings the scene up to date with a
book that explores the place in modern Britain of a close-knit
17,000-strong band battling to combine tradition with novelty. In an
independent personal exploration that enquires rather than
romanticises, these people speak for themselves about their values
and pride in their way of life. About the prejudice they encounter
from the larger society they both belong to, and are distinct from,
struggle with, and humour.