Studts of South Wales: the Remarkable History of a Fairground Family
by Kevin Scrivens and Stephen Smith
RRP: £20.00
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ISBN Number: NA     
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 202
Publication Date: 2019
Publisher: Kevin Scrivens & Stephen Smith

The Studt family of South Wales were amongst the earliest presenters of amusements to the public at fairs and gatherings in Great Britain in the 19th Century.

From hand turned machinery travelled by horses they were very early in the field of applying steam to the propulsion of their rides and for haulage purposes.

Their earliest manually propelled rides featured hand turned mechanical organs, and though the following years they were to prove innovators in the field of mechanical music, being the first to have fair organs operated by cardboard book music, and later by paper rolls.

Over the years they operated over forty steam road engines, and were in the forefront of changing to more modern diesel powered vehicles in the 1930s.

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