Theme Park
PreviewTheme parks are great fun. Actually, let me
correct that. Theme park attractions are great fun, the time you spend
waiting in queues is not. Waiting sometimes over 60 minutes, with a bunch of
strangers, is the reality we must deal with to experience the multimillion
dollar engineering feats of today's theme parks.
Inside the
Tips - 12 pages
Building Excitement
Hints for Happiness
What-to-Carry Checklist
BYO Games
Avoiding Queues
Conquer Coaster Fear
Taking Coaster PhotosActivities -
56 pages
Who Goes First?
Front Vs Back
Riding Techniques
Practical Activities
Guessing Games
Word/Number Activities
Dreamy Ideas
Action Activities
Measuring Games
Sound Ideas
Brain Teasing Conundrums
iPhone / Mobile Internet Activities
Even More Activities |
Trivia - 22 pages
Theme Park Attendance
Roller Coaster Records
Roller Coaster Variations
Roller Coaster Milestones
Notes - 14 pages
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