The Giant Dipper, San Diego, California: A Pictorial History
by Eric Young
£40.00  Sold (but contact us as we might be able to source a copy from one of our suppliers)

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ISBN Number: 978-0963179098
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 58
Publication Date: 1991
Publisher: Amusement Park Publications

The Giant Dipper: A Pictorial History details the story of the last remaining Frank Prior and Fred Church coaster. Built in 1925, this coaster survived three fires, avoided demolition by the city, and later became a National Historic Landmark. This book is full of past to present day photos of the Mission Beach area, Belmont Park, and the Giant Dipper Roller Coaster. A great book for all San Diego History and Roller Coaster buffs.

Condition: Very good. Price label on top right of cover (click on cover to see close up).



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