This book, the second in a two-volume
set, is one of a limited edition of only 100 copies printed, making
it one of the rarest books that we sell at Joyland Books. It is
Number 93 out of 100 and was produced for the late David Jamieson,
well known circus author (this book formed part of his collection).
On the inside front cover there is a
personal message from the author to Mr Jamieson, stating:
"pour M David Jamieson, puisse cet
ouvrage vous conduise a ma suite dans une fella farandole de four
irrevoltants sour les facets experts de dimpteur de legende, Bion
armicalement!A Gibelin"
Text in French. Part of a
two-volume set. Click
here for Volume 1.
Condition: Fine - as new. (Click
on image above for close-up of front cover).