This 117th program features King Tusk: "The Largest Land Mammal On the Face Of The Earth" and the legendary Gunther Gebel-Williams: "The greatest wild animal trainer in the world today." Other featured acts include The International Family; The Antals, The Arnosi Duo, and Satin, aerialists; Andy Barrette, Jose Yanez and Robert Saucedo: The Greatest Freestyle Bikers in the World; Mercury Morgan; The Clown Charivari; Miss Tina's Russian Wolfhounds; Harrison's Seals; Steibner's Sea Lions; Rudolph Delmonte, contortionist; The Tokaji Troupe, The Marinof Troupe, and The Hernandez Troupe, teeterboard acrobats; Soaring Star Flying Trapeze Act; Elephant Break Dancin'; as well as an equine act and multiple clown performances. Many acts are noted to be "First Time Anywhere" or "First Time in America." Each act is announced with an amusing alliterative description. This particular guide also includes a lot of background information about the circus, the acts, and about Gunther Gebel-Williams and Kenneth Feld.
A wonderful piece of circus memorabilia, and includes the poster intact.